Welcome, and thank you for visiting Dunn's Memorial Baptist Church online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
Our Mission
We believe that the door to salvation is always open and so are the doors to our church. Our mission is to be fully devoted to Jesus by opening our arms to those in search of the truth. We show God’s love and concern for our fellow man at every opportunity. Through works of charity and opening our doors to listen and love, we feel that we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
The Message
DMBC is focused on teaching believers how to live out the commandments in God's Word.

Please join us in worship:
Sunday School is at 9:30 AM.
Sunday Service is at 11:00 AM.
Wednesday night Bible Study service is at 7:00 PM.
Dunn's Memorial Baptist Church
Austin, Texas

Taking you from time to eternity through the gospel of Jesus Christ...
We Believe © Newsboys| All Rights Reserved

Dunn's Memorial Baptist Church, in Austin, Texas, is a faith based, bible teaching believing congregation. Our Pastor's vision is to teach people to prove their love for God by generating a true love for one another. Here, we pray for each other, and encourage one another through life's joys and challenges, and especially to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We live in very turbulent times and Christians face the crucial challenges of remaining Christ centered. Political, economic, and even social reforms, seem to pull us into areas of uncertainty. As Christians, how do we avoid being swept away with the fears of a society being pushed about in a rage of moral insanity? Needless to say, an anchor is needed to steady us in the mist of these troubling times in order to stay the course.
The scripture says, "He that endureth unto the end, the same shall be saved." To keep a Godly focus and walk a Godly path, we certainly need an anchor for our souls and it must grip a solid Rock. Jesus Christ is the Rock that will hold us in the midst of these trying times. In order to meet these last day challenges, we must, with a firm grip of faith, take hold of our Lord Jesus Christ, without wavering, to assure the outcome of victory.
Remember, it is not always how you start, but how you finish.
God Bless You!
Pastor Salem Robinson, Jr.